5 beliefs that are stopping you from recovering from an eating disorder

by hungryforbliss@gmail.com

When we want to achieve any goal in life, including recovery from eating disorders or addictions, the first thing that comes to our mind is that we have to take action. We have to do something. We think that if we haven’t achieved it yet, it means we are not doing enough, we are not putting enough effort and we’re not trying hard enough.

But don’t you feel tired of putting effort into your recovery? Tired of taking action that doesn’t deliver any results? Don’t you feel exhausted?

If so, do not worry, there is another way.

There is another way to make your recovery easier and it’s not only about taking action. Yes, action matters, but it can be effortless and done in trust and peace. That’s how you really get great results. If you need to put too much energy into action, that means that something is not quite right.

To make any action effortless, you have to dig deeper and see what is stopping you. You have to start with underlying beliefs and emotions.

Since beliefs and emotions are not visible or tangible, we tend to pay less attention to them and focus more on physical actions. However, they are very important and in fact, they are the secrets to easier recovery.

Look at somebody who you think is very healthy and happy – it might seem like they have it all so easy! And you try and do your best, you always put effort… and you can’t seem to get to the same place as them. You can do as much action as you want, but if you don’t work on other levels than just physical – you’ll make it hard on yourself. But if decide to change your beliefs and let go of your doubts, fears, guilt about yourself and your recovery process, you’ll be able to heal much quicker.

Over the years of working with people with different addictive tendencies, I identified the most common beliefs that were keeping them stuck in a vicious cycle.

So let me share with you 5 beliefs that might be keeping you stuck. If you’ll break them, you’ll be surprised how much easier your recovery process can become.

So the first belief you might have is:


1. “There is something wrong with me”

I’m sure you’ve asked yourself that question at least once:“ What’s wrong with me?”


Nothing is wrong with you! If you keep trying to fix yourself, you will not get far in your recovery, because you’re not broken, so you’re already starting on the wrong foot.

You’ve probably tried so many different things to get yourself out of your disorder or addiction and you feel beaten down and exhausted. I understand that. But it doesn’t mean there is something wrong with you.

As Eckhart Tolle said: 


 On a deeper level you are already complete. When you realize that, there is a joyous energy behind what you do.


And to realize that, you must start with acceptance. Unconditional acceptance of yourself the way you are at this very moment.

Yes, you might have a difficulty in your life and maybe it is caused by some trauma in your past, your lifestyle, your endless diets, thoughts, emotions… Maybe all of them! But this doesn’t make you less perfect or less whole. 

If you allow yourself to at least open up to this possibility, your recovery will be so much easier!

2. “I can’t trust myself”

You might be feeling like you cannot trust yourself anymore, because you keep repeating the same actions again and again. No matter how much you want to recover, no matter how much effort you put in, you just keep coming back to these self-destructive actions.

And of course, that makes you feel like you’re just not worthy of your own trust. But you are!

Remember that you are not your body, your mind or your emotions. It’s just a little part of you. A part that is asking for your attention and care. But you are beyond any of it. So start opening up to that limitless part of yourself and allowing yourself to trust it!

See yourself as this big being that is trying to fit in a small body and small mind and allow that being to guide you from his/her eagle view and help you to open up yourself to a new perspective and a new life.


3. “I don’t believe in complete recovery!”

So many of my clients come to the first session and tell me that they are not sure if they believe in complete healing.

I understand it, but you also have to understand that if you don’t believe in it, then you are already setting yourself for a failure.

Remember: always choose beliefs that are beneficial to you.

No matter how silly they might seem to you at the moment.

If you can’t believe in it yet, can you at least be open up to the possibility that it does exist? That you are worthy of it? That you do not have to be in pain and suffer for the rest of your life?

Start stating this new truth to yourself every day and paying attention to how does it feel to believe a little more?


4. “Recovery is hard and takes a lot of time.”

You might think that recovery has to be long, painful and unpleasant. I get you, but…it doesn’t have to be. You can decide. You can decide to make it different. To make it even… interesting.

I know what you might be thinking: “She’s out of her mind!” Right?

But it’s probably because you only tried ways to recover that are depressing and scary. You might think that if you focus on your recovery, your life will turn into this long depressing movie. But don’t let your beliefs and past experiences discourage and intimidate you.

I know it can be scary. I know because I’ve been there too. I didn’t want to even consider the word “recovery” because it seemed so dull. I mean who really wants to be “in recovery”?

But despite how it all sounds, the point is that you have a choice. It might seem like you don’t but you do and I want you to start becoming open to this choice today! Be open to the possibility that it can be easier than you think.


5. I’m alone in this.

Another belief that you might have is that you are completely alone in this. You might think that your case is different – that nobody can fully understand you and help you.

These thoughts isolates you and makes you feel separate. And that adds so much more weight to your suffering. Yes, feeling completely alone and not understood can be very painful.

And it doesn’t matter if you share this part of your life with someone or not. Sometimes sharing it with people who do not understand can be even more triggering. Even talking about these issues with a professional can be depressing if she/he is just trying to understand you from the book, but not from the heart.

However, you only feel alone, because you are surrounded by people who do not understand you. But the world is full of humans that are going exactly through what you are going through right now. And not only that, but the world is also full of people who went through these difficulties and came out to the other side, recovered and are actually very happy human beings! So start searching for those people, start connecting with them.

Also, even if you don’t connect with the right people, remember – you are never really alone because you have… YOU!

I know it might sound a little cheesy, but don’t let yourself get turned off by that. It’s deeeep!

I remember when I was at a very difficult point of my life, I was feeling so lonely and far from home and I just sat on a sofa in my little apartment and I thought to myself: “what if I just try to enjoy my own company?” Not with a movie, a book, or some other fun activity, but just me with me… Just being with myself?

And as simple as it sounds, I always felt that that was a big turning point in my life.

That day I connected to myself in a different way. I opened up to myself and my feelings. And when you establish that deep connection with yourself, you never ever feel alone and you can overcome anything. That leads you to connecting to your soul which can completely transform your life and not only heal you, but also awaken you to a completely new life!


So these are the 5 beliefs that you might have and that are in the way of your recovery. If you want to make your healing journey easier, start with reversing these beliefs.


Now if you just affirm to yourself: I’m perfect the way I am, I trust myself, recovery is easy and quick and etc… it might sound like a lie. So you don’t want to waste your time with affirmations like that because it will have no real benefit. But you can start somewhere else, you can repeat to yourself:


I’m open to the possibility that I’m complete.

I’m open to the possibility that I’m not alone in this.

I’m open to the possibility of complete recovery.

I allow myself to trust myself.

Recovery can be easy and quick.


Start with these affirmations and try to feel in your body how does it feel like to open up to this? Feel it and allow that feeling to expand and wash away your old limited beliefs.

If you’ll commit to this, you will start noticing that your healing/recovery process is becoming easier and easier. You will start noticing that it’s easier to take the action that you’ve struggled with before.

Give it a try, I believe in you!

With love,


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